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EIHI Homepage


    European Movement-International: The European Movement is an association contributing to the establishment of a unified, federal Europe, founded on respect for human rights and democratic principles, by informing and mobilizing citizens and influencing decision-makers at all European Society levels.

    Union des fédéralistes européens (UEF)-International: The Union of European Federalists (UEF) is a nongovernmental and supranational organisation dedicated to the promotion of a democratic and federal Europe. It unites constituent organisations and federalists from 20 European countries. It has been active at the European, national and local levels for more than 50 years. It was founded shortly after the World War II on the belief that only a European Federation, based on the idea of unity in diversity, could overcome the division of the European continent that had caused the sufferings and destruction of the two World Wars. Federalists believed that only a common effort of European citizens working towards this goal could create a peaceful and democratic Europe guaranteeing freedom and the protection of human rights.

About the Maintainer
[Red Arrow Image]The site is maintained at the Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l’Europe (CVCE) by Christian LEKL,
Château de Sanem; L-4992 Sanem (Luxembourg), tel.: +352 595920-1, fax.: +352 59 59 20-555;
Click here for his Home page.
Please direct your notices of new URL's or inoperative links to him here.
[Red Arrow Image]Last updated the January 17, 2014

Page managed by: Historical Archives of the European Union