[Click Here for WWW VL History Index] [Click Here for WWW VL Italian History Index] [VL Italian History Index: Immagine dei Tre Stati della Rivoluzione Francese] [Click Here for the European University Institute] [Best Italian History Site recommended by the VL Italian History Index]

[Red Arrow Image] World Wide Web Virtual Library central catalogue.
[Red Arrow Image] WWW VL Main History Index and Sites Maintainers.
[Red Arrow Image] About the WWW VL History Project.
[Red Arrow Image] Home Page of the WWW VL EUI European History Project.
[Red Arrow Image] EUI Library and History & Civilisation Department Web Sites.
[Red Arrow Image] The Italian History Index provides Internet resources on the History of Italy, whether from Italy and abroad, in both Italian and other languages. If the description of the resources are in Italian, this can be taken as indicating that no English equivalent of the pages is available. The documents and materials gathered on this site should not be taken to reflect the view of the editor.
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Italian History Index - Periods: Ancient History
Ancient | Medieval | Modern | Contemporary

[ Reference : Gateways | E-Teaching | Journals | Archives/Sources | Historical Societies/Institutions | Lists | E-Historiography/Bibliographies ]
[ Topical : Biography | Demography | Social | Women | Science | Cultural | Political | Diplomatic | Urban | Economic | Religious | Anthropological | World Wars/Holocaust/Military ]
[ Geographical : Northern Italy | Central Italy | Southern Italy and Islands ]
[ Other : Best of Italian History | Italian Search Engines | Libraries and Publishers | Italian Institutions and Universities | Maps/Historical Maps ]

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Ancient History

  • [WWW VL Logo] WWW VL The Ancient Rome Index .
  • Wikipedia: the free Encyclopedia: History of Italy.
  • LacusCurtius: into the Roman World .
  • [Lastoria consortium's logo] La Storia - Consorzio italiano per le discipline storiche online: ricerca, didattica, editoria.
  • Rassegna degli strumenti informatici per lo studio dell'antichità classica a cura di Alessandro Cristofori con un corso sull'uso degli "Strumenti informatici per lo studio della Storia Antica
  • Memorie del Mediterraneo, di Ivan Pucci, una delle 500 guide di Supereva. (A gateway to prehistorical and ancient mediterranean history).
  • Archaeogate: il portale italiano di archeologia
  • Le navi romane di Pisa - pagine dedicate allo scavo archeologico nei pressi della stazione ferroviaria di Pisa San Rossore
  • Gruppi Archeologici d'Italia.
  • Museo di Storia ed Arte - Orto Lapidario, Via della Cattedrale 15 - tel. 040 310500 - 040 30868, part of the Trieste : Musei civici di Storia . The Museum offers several possibilities of virtual visits in their rooms and access to collections of documents online: "L'Orto Lapidario ha avuto origine nell'Ottocento con l'intento di raccogliere il materiale antico,conserva epigrafi, monumenti e sculture dell'epoca romana, medievale e moderna in seguito si è arricchito con donazioni private di reperti di diverse civiltà."
  • La Fondazione Niccolò Canussio, (Sede di Cividale, Via G.Gallini 9 - Sede di Milano, Via B.Luini 12.) "si propone di promuovere e sostenere iniziative di studio, ricerca e divulgazione della latinità che si sia espressa in Friuli Venezia-Giulia tramite la storia, la cultura, la lingua, l'arte, la consuetudine quotidiana delle genti, significative nell'evoluzione umana delle popolazioni di questo comprensorio geografico e di quelli limitrofi."
  • Bibliography of the Ancient and Early Medieval Langobards (Lombards), Compiled by Florin Curta, University of Florida.
  • Ostia - Harbour of Ancient Rome. "Here you will find information for professional archaeologists and historians, for students of Roman archaeology and history, and for interested lay-people. The site is maintained by the Internet Group Ostia (IGO)."
  • The Horace's Villa Project. "This Web site presents Horace's Villa near Licenza, Italy and our new project jointly undertaken there in the period 1997-2000 under the institutional sponsorship of the American Academy in Rome and the Archaeological Superintendency for Lazio of the Italian Ministry of Culture. The project is made possible by the generous support of the Steinmetz Family of Los Angeles, the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, and the Vincenzo Romagnoli Group. Quintus Horatius Flaccus ("Horace" in English) lived from 65 to 8 B.C. and was Rome's leading poet of lyric and satiric poetry in the Golden Age of Roman literature under the Emperor Augustus. His villa near Licenza, Italy (35 miles northeast of Rome) is the only house of a Roman writer of the Augustan Age that can be identified and visited today. As such, it is a precious part of our heritage and repays study--especially since Horace wrote so much about the place he called "the fulfillment of all my hopes and prayers." "
  • Trajan's column. "This is a site for exploring the Column of Trajan as a sculptural monument. The core of the site is a searchable database of over 500 images focusing on various aspects of the design and execution of the column's sculptural decoration. These images (slides and drawings) were generated by and for sculptor Peter Rockwell, over the course of his study of Roman stone-carving practices. The aim of this site is to make these images available to the widest possible public, in a form that can contribute both to ongoing study by specialists and to enjoyment and appreciation of the monument by the general public."
  • Università degli Studi di Pisa - Dipartimento di scienze storiche del mondo antico. (Sede: via L. Galvani, 1 (angolo via S. Maria), III e V piano, 56126 PISA. Sezione di "Scienze Storiche del Mondo Classico", III piano - tel.: +39 050911476, Sezione di "Egittologia e Scienze Storiche del Vicino Oriente", V piano - tel.: +39 050911477, fax: +39 050500668.)
  • Roman Numismatic Gallery at romancoins.info
  • Virtual visit to Villa Adriana Tivoli: "Ad ogni stazione è associata una vista panoramica, ad alcune aree sono associate più viste per offrire una visuale completa del posto.", This section is part of the Atlante Archeologico, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali , Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici.

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About the Italian History Index
[Immagine dei Tre Stati della Rivoluzione Francese]

[Red Arrow Image] The Italian History Index is made of different pages which are always under construction. You will find here Virtual Resources produced in Italy together with other world-wide Resources that deal with the history of Italy. The Index has and editorial board to select the "Best of the Italian History Index" and specific maintainers: "Medieval Italian History" is maintained by Prof.Pietro Corrao, University of Palermo and Prof.Roberto Delle Donne, University of Naples; "Anthropological Italian History" is maintained by Alessandra Guigoni, "Military History" is maintained by Elena Sodini, University of Verona, "E-teaching/e-learning" is maintained by Prof.Angelo Gaudio, University of Udine. In the future, new maintainers will contribute to the development of other categories in the Index.
[Red Arrow Image] The URL of this page is [ancient.html].
[Red Arrow Image] The Italian History Index is a joint project between the European University Institute's Library and the History & Civilisation Department .
[Red Arrow Image] The Italian History Index was created in April 1995 and became part of the WWW VL History Network in May 1999.
[Red Arrow Image] The Italian History Index is sending a logo to the best Italian History Sites: [Best Italian History Site recommended by the VL Italian History Index]
This page consists of a list of web-sites which we think are the best Italian History sites on the Internet made in Italy. Non-Italian sites on the history of Italy are part of The Italian History Index but are not yet part of this selection. To be elegible for this list of scientifically-evaluated sites, all web-sites should also be accessible totally and freely to a world-wide public without any kind of restriction. The Best of the Italian History Index has an Editorial Board.

About the WWW VL and the WWW VL History Network

[Red Arrow Image] The World Wide Web Virtual Library is a collection of subject related Websites maintained by institutions throughout the world, each administering a different subject. The project is now managed by an independent committee made up of maintainers of various subject areas. For more information on the History Network Project, go to
[ http://vlib.iue.it/history/about/about.html ]

About the Maintainers

[Red Arrow Image] The site is managed by Serge Noiret [serge.noiret@iue.it], (Ph.D. in Contemporary History, European Unversity Institute, Badia Fiesolana, Via dei Roccettini 9, I­50016 San Domenico (FI), Tel.: +39-0554685-348 - Fax +39-0554685-283), Click here for his Home Page.
Please direct your notices of new URL's or inoperative links to him here.
[Red Arrow Image] Medieval History is maintained by Prof.Pietro Corrao, University of Palermo, e-mail, home page, (Professore Straordinario di Storia Medievale, Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione - Dipartimento di Studi Storici e Artistici, Via G.Pascoli 6 - 90144 Palermo (Italia), tel. **/39/91/6956217, fax **/39/91/6956203). and by Prof.Roberto Delle Donne, University of Naples, e-mail, home page, (Professore associato di Storia medievale, Dipartimento di Discipline Storiche "Ettore Lepore", tel. 0812536301-2536562 - fax: 0812536343)
[Red Arrow Image] Anthropological History is maintained by Alessandra Guigoni, Home Page: [http://www.etnografia.it], Email: [aguigoni@yahoo.com].
[Red Arrow Image]E-Learning and E-Teaching Italian History through Internet is maintained by Prof.Angelo GaudioProfessore ordinario di Analisi dei sistemi educativi , SSD M-PED/02, Università degli studi di Udine, Dipartimento di Filosofia, Via Petracco 8, 33100 Udine, Home Page: [http://space.tin.it/hrcfga/gaudio.htm], Email: [gaudio@uniud.it].

[Red Arrow Image] Last updated the 16 January, 2007 .