[logo: European University Institute] [logo: WWW-VL Main Catalogue: Tim Beners-Lee; used with permission] [logo: WWW-VL History Index central catalogue] [Click Here for WWW-VL: United States History Index] WWW-VL: US: AFRICAN-AMERICAN HISTORY

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Martin Luther King, "I Have a Dream" 1963

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WWW-VL History was established as HNSource (Kansas History Gateway) on 6 March 1993.

Site maintained by George Laughead, Kansas Heritage Group, and MPMA Museum Technology committee. Also see: MPMA Museums MySpace. Thanks to Dr. Lynn H. Nelson, original author. Updated: 10 December 2008.
(©2005-2008 George Laughead)

WWW-VL: History: United States: African-American History
URL: http://vlib.iue.it/history/USA/african-american.html