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Hosted by the European University Institute
European History
WWW VL > History > European History > Spanish History Index > Contemporary History


[ Chronological:

Will be added in the future:

[The Six-Years Democratic (1868-1874) Period and the First Republic (1873-1874) -The Restauration (1874-1902) - The Spanish-American War (1898) - The reign of Alfonso XIII, the Crisis of the Restauration and Primo de Rivera's Dictatorship (1902-1931) - The Second Republic (1931-1936) - -Franco's Dictatorship (1939-1975) -The transition to Democracy (1975-1982) - Democratic Spain from the Transition till Nowadays (1982-2007) -Spain in the European Communities (1986-2007) ]

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Spanish-American War (1898)

The Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)

The Spanish transition from Franco to Democracy by Carlo Andreoli. Available at:

This page attempts to offer a documented and contrasted vision of all the historical process that permitted the installation of the Democracy in Spain.

  • Contemporary Spanish Cultural History . Also at
    Abstract: As a result of the ambiguous character of Spain's transition to democracy, many of the effects --and responsibilities-- of cultural repression have remained concealed. This has led to mythifications and the appearance of «false heroes», but most of all, the cultural damage that Francoism caused is often underestimated or sometimes even ridiculed. The effectiveness and penetration of the Francoist control instruments was such, that by neglecting or ignoring them we would fail to understand the rise of opposition movements and, therefore, important aspects of today's culture. E-mail:
  • International Institute of Social History .
    Abstract: Internationaal Instituut voor Social Geschiedenis Located in Amsterdam (Netherlands). Resources for the study of workers' movements around the world, including those in Spain.
  • Spanish Constitution . E-mail:
    Abstract: Aprobada por las Cortes en Sesiones Plenarias del Congreso de los Diputados y del Senado celebradas el 31 de Octubre de 1978 (full text)
  • Spanish constitution (include the 1992 revisions and some other laws)
  • Spanish Constitutional resources.
  • MEC. Spanish movies database.
  • Iberian Culture through photography. E-mail:
  • Antonio Burgos' Homepage.
    Abstract: Half a century of Spanish history and traditions
  • Centres of European Documentation operating in Spain:
    Biblioteca Europea (UCM) | CDE-Alicante | CDE-Autónoma de Madrid | CDE-Córdoba | CDE-Coruña | CDE-ESADE | CDE-Girona | CDE-Gránada | CDE-La Rioja | CDE.HTM CDE-Lleida | CDE-Navarra | CDE-Politécnica Madrid | CDE-Salamanca | CDE-San Pablo-CEU | CDE-Santiago | CDE-Sevilla | CDE-Univ. Aut. Barcelona | CDE-Univ. País Vasco | CDE-Valencia | CDE-Valladolid | Centre Balears Europa | Junta de Castilla y León-Europa | Red Vasca de Información Europea.

    • About the Spanish History Index and the Spanish Contemporary History Index

    [Red Arrow Image] The Spanish History Index is made of different pages which are always under construction. You will find Virtual Resources produced in Spain together with world-wide Resources if they are dealing with the history of Spain.

    [Red Arrow Image] The URL of this page is

    [Red Arrow Image] The Spanish History Index is a joint project between the European University Institute's Library and the History & Civilisation Department

    [Red Arrow Image] The Spanish History Index was created in 1995 by Inaki Lopez Martin and became part of the WWW-VL History Network in May 1999. The main index is now at

    [Red Arrow Image] From May 2007, The Spanish Contemporary History Index is maintained at the EUI in Florence by Cristina Blanco Sio-López [Crisitina.Blanco.Sio-Lopez [at]].

    About the WWW VL and the WWW VL History Network

    [Red Arrow Image] The World Wide Web Virtual Library History Central Catalogue is a collection of subject related Websites maintained by institutions throughout the world, each administering a different subject. For more information on the History Network Project, go to []

    About the Maintainer

    [Red Arrow Image] The page is managed by Cristina Blanco Sio-López [Crisitina.Blanco.Sio-Lopez [at]]. researcher of the History and Civilization department at the European University Institute, Via dei Roccettini 9, I­50016 San Domenico (FI),
    Please direct your notices of new URL's or inoperative links to her via email here

    Last Updated 24 July 2009