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[Red Arrow Image] The Historical Index of Religious Missions lists more than 800 sites providing information for the study of the proselytisms in the past and present. Proselytism is understood here in a broad perspective, as the movement of faiths, rituals, beliefs, practice and people... continues at the bottom of the page

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Historical Index of Religious Missions
Indexes of Virtual Resources of Religious Missions: Catholic
[ Reference : Gateways | Historiography | Journals | Learning & Research | Museums | Publishers ]
[ Subjects : Christian | Islamic | Jewish | Buddhist | Other religions | Non religious ]
[ Geographical : Africa | America | Asia | Europe | Oceania ]
[ Resources : Archives | E-Teaching | Guides-Lists | Libraries | Materials ]
[ Other : News | Fellowships | Language Support | Search Engines | Software ]

[Click Here for the European University Institute] WWW VL European History Project at the European University Institute - Florence - Italy:

Film History | Dutch History | European Integration History | Finnish History | History and Images | Italian History | Romanian History
Russian History | Spanish History | Swedish History


Vatican, Agustin, Barnabits, Basilian, Benedictins, Camilliani, Capuchins, Carmelitans, Charismatic, Claretians, Comboni, Consolata, Daughters of Divine Love, Discalced Carmelite, Dominicans, Eudists, Franciscans, Jesuits, Lazarists, Marists, Missionaries of La Salette, Missionaries of the Precious Blood, Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts, Oblates, Opus Dei, O.H.C., Passionists, Paulists, Premonstratensians, Propaganda, Redemptorists, Rosminiani, Salesians, Spiritans, St. Paul, S.V.D., White Fathers, Varia

Vatican - The Holy See

Agustins (O.E.S.A.: Ordo Fratrum Eremitarum S. Augustini)

Barnabits (C.R.S.P.: Clerici Regularis Sancti Pauli)

Basilian (C.S.B.: Congregatio Sancti Basilii)

Benedictins (OSB: Ordo Sancti Benedicti)

Camilliani (C.R.M.I.: Clerici Regularis Ministrantes Infirmis)

Capuchins (O.F.M.Cap.: Ordo Fratrum Minorum Capucinorum)

Carmelitans (Ordo Fratrum Beatissimae Virginis Mariae de Monte Carmelo)


Claretian Missionaries

Comboni Missionaries

Consolata Missionaries (M.E.Tor.: Institutum Missionum a Consolata, Torino)

The Daughters of Divine Love Congregation

Discalced Carmelite (O.Carm.Disc.: Ordo Fratrum Carmelitarum Discalceatorum)

Dominican (O.P.: Ordo Praedicatorum)

Eudists (C.J.M.: Congregation of Jesus and Mary-Congregatio Jesu et Mariae)

Franciscan (O.F.M.: Ordo Fratrum Minorum)

Jesuits (S.J.: Societas Jesu)

Lazarists (Congregatio Missionis St. Vincentii a Paulo)

Marists (S.M.: Societas Mariae)

Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette (M.S.: Missionaries of La Salette)

Missionaries of the Precious Blood (C.PP.S: Congregatio Pretiosissimi Sanguinis)

Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary (C.SS.CC.: Congregatio Sacratissimorum Cordium)

Missionary Society of St. Paul

Oblates (O.M.I.: Congregatio Oblatorum B. Mariae V. Immaculatae)

Opus Dei

Order of the Holy Cross (O.S.Cr.: Ordo Sanctae Crucis)

Passionist (Pass.: Congregatio Clericorum Excalceatorum Ssmae Crucis et Passionis D. N. Jesu Christi)

Paulist Fathers (C.S.P.: Congregatio Sancti Pauli)

Propaganda Fide

Premonstratensians - The Canons Regular of Prémontré (C.R.P.: Congregatio Reformatorum Praemonstratensium)


Rosminiani (Inst. Char.: Institutum Charitatis, Rosminians)

Salesians (Sal.Don Bosc: Societas S. Francisci Salessii, Don Bosco)

Society of the Divine Word (S.V.D.: Societas Verbi Divini (Steyl)

Spiritans (C.S.Sp.: Congregatio Sancti Spiritus, Fathers of the Holy Ghost)

White Fathers - "Peres Blancs" (M.A.: Missionarii Africae)

  • Les "Peres Blancs" (Missionarii Africae-Missionaries of Africa). E-mail: michel.groiselle@wanadoo.fr.
  • Missionnaires d'Afrique (White Fathers; Canada). Canadian site of the Society founded in 1868 by Charles Lavigerie, bishop of Algiers (later Cardinal) with the name The Society of the Missionaries of Africa, "whose vocation will be to work with the Arab populations of North Africa, and with those little-known ethnic groups who inhabit the interior of the African continent." E-mail: rmfortin@total.net.
  • Varia

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    About the Historical Index of Religious Missions

    [Red Arrow Image] (Continues from the top of the page) Although a large amount of the information concerns only Christian missions, I intend to provide information regarding other confessions, such as Buddhism, Islam or Judaism, and also proselytisms from the secular world: IGO's, NGO's, etc. The Index could also be used as a source of data in itself, a research tool on the ways traditional and new confessions try to communicate through the Internet.

    [Red Arrow Image]The Historical Index of Religious Missions is made of different pages which are always under construction. You will find Virtual Resources produced all over the world world dealing with the past and present of the Religious Missions. The documents and materials found on this site should not be taken to reflect the view of the editor.
    [Red Arrow Image] The URL of this page is [http://vlib.iue.it/hist-religious-missions/Index.html].
    [Red Arrow Image] The Religious Missions Index is a joint project between the European University Institute's Library and theHistory & Civilisation Department .
    [Red Arrow Image] The Religious Missions Index became part of the WWW-VL History Network in May 2001.

    About the WWW-VL and the WWW-VL History Network

    [Red Arrow Image] The World Wide Web Virtual Library is a collection of subject related Websites maintained by institutions throughout the world, each administering a different subject. The project is now managed by an independent committee made up of maintainers of various subject areas. For more information on the WWW-VL Main Project, go to [ http://www.vlib.org/AboutVL.html ] and for more information on the History Network Project, go to
    [ http://vlib.iue.it/history/about/about.html ]

    About the Maintainer

    [Red Arrow Image] The page is managed by Andreu Martínez d'Alòs-Moner [andres.martinez@iue.it].
    Please direct your notices of new URL's or inoperative links to him here.

    [Red Arrow Image] This page is updated every two/three months. Last updated: 1st of May 2003.