[Click Here for WWW VL History Index] [Click Here for WWW VL Italian History Index] [Click Here for the European University Institute] [Best Italian History Site recommended by the VL Italian History Index]
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Best of the Italian History Index: LETTER S

Point JauneUsed Criteria's - Point JauneEditorial Board - Point Jaune Alphabetical List of Italian Best Web Sites

16-06-00: SCRINEUM - [http://scrineum.unipv.it]

22-02-07: LA SCUOLA IN MOSTRA - [http://www.amanuense.it/ForteguerrianaSite/fondi_forteguerriana.asp]

29-02-08: SIAS: Sistema Informativo degli Archivi di Stato - [http://www.archivi-sias.it/index.asp]