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10. Mosaic identity
by H.B. Paksoy

     1. A polity will contain a multitude of distinct identities.

     2. When a polity is formed, it will occupy a certain territory, homeland.

     3. As the polity consolidates its hold on its homeland with specific defended boundaries, it will gradually develop its natural identity.

     4. Within the specified land, there will be sub-groups extant while the dominant or primary identity is established.

     5. The sub-groups will have their own identities due to original differences such as ethnic origins, belief, governance and economic systems.

     6. Due to the original differences, the sub-groups will resist assimilation into the dominant group's identity.

     7. Where the dominant identity is intolerant of the sub-groups' desire to maintain their distinct and separate identities and their resistance, the latter will either fight or migrate.

     8. When the dominant identity is tolerant of sub-groups and sub-identities within its polity, the members of the latter will rise to positions of prominence. This they will do in order to guarantee the maintenance of their specific identity.

     9. When the tolerance of the dominant identity becomes widely known, other sub-groups will desire to migrate into that polity's domain.

     10. In-migration by sub-groups into such a dominant identity's polity will increase the proportion of non-dominant groups in that polity.

     11. The in-migration of sub-groups into a polity's domain will increase, if the dominant identity embarks upon an expansionary policy.

     12. The migration process will gain fresh impetus when other dominant identities become intolerant of the sub-groups in their polities.

     13. Some dominant identities will even force the sub-groups living in their domains to emigrate.

     14. The expelled sub-groups will tend to form alliances or coalitions upon settling within the territory of a tolerant polity.

     15. Every sub-group settling within the domain of a tolerant identity will have at least two factions.

     16. The first generation of one of the factions within the in-migrating sub-group will be willing to assimilate into the dominant identity.

     17. The opposing faction will resist assimilation into the dominant identity at great cost.

     18. By the third generation, the descendants of the original immigrants will work toward reviving their original identity.

     19. When the collective population of the sub-groups within a dominant identity grows approximately equal to that of the main identity, a mosaic identity is invariably developed in that polity.

     20. Recognition of the existence of a mosaic identity in a polity will alter the policies of the dominant identity in that polity.

     21. A sub-group identity is derived from a mother identity, which may or may not have an established polity and defended borders.

     22. If the mother identity does not have an established and independent polity, the primary energies of the sub-groups belonging to that identity will be to constitute one replete with a land territory.

     23. A mother identity may be in existence within a polity distinctly different than itself.

     24. Identities are brought into polities which they were never a part, when another polity embarks upon an expansionary mode engulfing others.

     25. When a mother identity engulfed by another identity embarks upon the path of landed independence, it will call for dispersed sub-groups to unite.

     26. Often, the impetus for the mother identity's independence will come from the dispersed sub-groups.

     27. An idea precedes any action. Ideas pertaining to the independence of an identity are first disseminated through literature.

     28. When the literature of an engulfed mother identity is deep-rooted, it will be printed abroad and re-introduced.

     29. If the literature of an identity is nascent, forgeries will be attempted with a view to give the impression that it is old.

     30. The forged literature will be staunchly exclusive of all other identities, in favor of the identity it seeks to enforce.

     31. The forged literature, by its nature, cannot be attributed to any living author, even if there is evidence.

     32. The forged literature will then form the backdrop against which new literature will be developed.

     33. The new literature will be directed towards the establishment of an independent literature.

     34. The dominant polity in which the re-emergence is taking place will react in two ways.

     35. If the dominant polity is a permissive mosaic identity, then the re-emergence will be applauded. This is rare.

     36. When the dominant identity is authoritarian, the new authors will be persecuted.

     37. The sub-groups living abroad will seek to enlist the help of international organizations in favor of the re-emergence of the identity.

     38. The new literature and the new efforts to create a new polity will merge.

     39. When the mother identity finally attains an independent polity, it will invite back sub-groups heretofore living abroad.

     40. Not all sub-groups will heed the call to return.

     41. As the mother polity gains recognition on its own, and especially attains economic viability, that influence will be felt in sub-groups living abroad.

     42. The mother identity will attempt to influence the affairs of the dominant identity where her sub-groups are living.

     43. The identity of the host will be at stake.

     44. In response, the dominant identity where the sub-groups are living will insist on developing an official identity and require adherence to it by subtle or forcible means.

     45. Either the host identity will succeed in its efforts to enforce the official identity, or the dominant polity will disintegrate.

     46. In extreme cases, the dominant polity will either demand total assimilation into the official identity, or even expel sub-groups that resist.

     47. The dominant identity may fail in its efforts to enforce the newly designed (or, re-designed) official identity.

     48. When the official identity fails, the dominant polity will fragment into smaller identities.

     49. Fragmentation of an identity will also fragment the polity into smaller and distinctly separate identities.

     50. Mosaic identities, for example empires, by definition harbor many identities.

     51. Empires are administered by a governing strata and, subordinate to them, a bureaucracy.

     52. The governing strata will be from the dominant identity that established the empire.

     53. The members of the bureaucracy will be primarily drawn from the dominant identity, especially at the top, with an appropriate sprinkling of individuals from the sub-groups of the polity.

     54. The ruling strata will establish a pattern for perpetuating itself, in its own image, to maintain the empire.

     55. The primary means of perpetuating the governing strata is through education that exists in its own time.

     56. The governing strata will also be interested in keeping the mosaic identity by means of as unified belief system.

     57. A belief system encompasses more than "religion." See 09 Identity of Belief Systems.

     58. The prevailing attitude of the governing strata is that when the majority of the population adheres to the same belief system, than the polity will have a greater base of commonality leading to a more uniform identity.

     59. When the governing strata of a mosaic identity is confident of its identity, the educational system will not be heavy-handed, not forcing the sub-groups to learn all about the dominant identity.

     60. When the governing strata is self-conscious about the attributes of its own identity, it will then insist that the sub-groups learn everything about the dominant identity. The education system will be designed with that primary purpose.

     61. The larger the number and proportion in population of sub-groups in an identity, the more controls the governing strata will place on the polity.

     62. When the polity has chosen a system of single official governance participation unit, that unit, apart from all other organs of the polity, will also seek to perpetuate itself independent of the general bureaucracy.

     63. The single official governance participation unit will seek to insert its own members and representatives into all institutions of the polity.

     64. Given the large proportion of non-dominant identity in a given polity, the single official governance participation unit will seek to have representatives also selected and carefully trained from each of the sub-group identities.

     65. The single official governance participation unit will, by co-opting members of the sub-group identities, will seek to extend its own influence and identity to those sub-group identities.

     66. The harsher the policies of the governance strata, the more vehement will be the response from the sub-groups.

     67. The governing strata will either choose to relax its rule, thereby hastening the dissolution of the mosaic identity, or increase the level of authoritarian nature of the administration.

     68. When the sub-groups within a mosaic identity demand more autonomy in all endeavors of life, the governing strata may, at least in outward form, allow it in the name of harmony.

     69. Upon receiving the sought-out autonomy, there will be an outpouring of sentiments from the sub-groups in various fora, including media and publications.

     70. To keep those outpourings under some control, to prevent dissolution of the mosaic identity, the governing strata and the single official governance participation unit will introduce additional institutions to reduce the influence of those sentiments. This will again be done in the name of unity and harmony.

     71. Newly constituted institutions, intended to control the new gains made by the sub-groups, will be resented by the latter. The sub-groups will seek ways to circumvent the workings of the new institutions.

     72. The governing strata will respond by imposing restrictions on foodstuffs and other necessities supplied to the sub-groups from the central administration in order to enforce its control.

     73. The governing strata will also create an official identity, if not already in existence, for the mosaic polity as a further means of controlling the sub-groups.

     74. The official identity will very likely be a modification of the dominant identity; modified to induce the sub-groups to accept it.

     75. The single official governance participation unit and other institutions of the mosaic identity will publicly applaud and reward those members of the sub-groups who openly accept and strive to expand the official identity and penalize those who reject and work against it.

     76. The official belief system will be expanded and enforced by the governance strata as a part of the official identity.

     77. The success of all control policies introduced by the governance strata will depend on the quality of life and standard of living in the polity.

     78. If there are discernible and significant differences between the members of the dominant identity and the sub-groups in their standards of living, all other policies will eventually fail. This will hold true regardless of which side, either the dominant identity or the sub-groups, have the better standard of living.

     79. When the expectations are unmet, discord will ensue between identities.

     80. After open discord starts, no amount of concessions made by the governance strata will please the polity at large.

     81. As the concessions to sub-groups increase, the members of the dominant identity will begin to display displeasure.

     82. The members of the dominant identity will pressure the governance strata to curtail or rescind the concessions thus made to the sub-groups.

     83. Rescinding any of the concessions to the sub-groups will not satisfy anyone. At that point, it is too late to stop the process.

     84. The dissolution of a mosaic identity need not immediately be in the form of sub-groups seceding from the polity.

     85. The sub-groups intent on asserting their own identities within the mosaic identity will acquire land for themselves, only for their own use.

     86. The land acquired by and for the exclusive use of the sub-groups will take the form of gated or segregated communities, restricted access settlements of all types, summer camps, school systems, heath welfare and burial and worship societies within the mosaic identity.

     87. The secret information gathering apparatus of the official governance participation unit and other official institutions cannot be underestimated as the sub-groups begin asserting their identities.

     88. When a mosaic identity has its population approximately equally divided between the dominant identity and sub-groups, there will be several internal information gathering organizations to inform the governance strata of the polity.

     89. A large majority of the information gathering organizations will be officially sanctioned.

     90. There will also be unsanctioned information gathering organizations, formed ad hoc by various formally recognized institutions.

     91. The original or ostensible objectives of all information gathering organizations will be to advise the governance strata of the tendencies within the polity.

     92. Neighboring polities, and others within the international system will carefully watch all developments, and in rare cases will suppress their urge to participate in the proceedings.

     93. Influences from sources outside the polity will increase, causing the targeted polity to respond in kind, if it can.

     94. The governing strata and subordinate institutions of the mosaic identity will formulate reactionary policies, aimed both to outside and inside groups.

     95. As a part of the reactionary policies, the governing strata will enter into coalitions with neighboring or other polities within the international system.

     96. When members of the coalition(s) formed are sufficiently large in population or economic strength, the conflicts will be globalized.

     97. Thought employers and the associations they form will be involved in large measure with the coalitions, either because they find this to be a necessary competition for the survival of their identity or they will be induced by the governance strata.

     98. Apart from the operatives of the sanctioned or unsanctioned information gathering organizations, armed paramilitary formations will be formed within the polity.

     99. The acknowledged or concealed paramilitary formations will be engaged in suppression of activities of the sub-groups, or to incite the activities first for the same purpose.

     100. As the tensions between the dominant identity and the sub-groups increase, private groups within the polity will be formed, to allow the sub-groups access to goods and services otherwise denied them by the institutional barriers of the dominant identity.

     101. The private organizations formed within the sub-groups for access to goods and services will operate primarily for pecuniary gain of its founders and operatives, and will not be entirely be sanctioned by the members of the sub-groups.

     102. The private organizations of the sub-groups will be against the existing rules and regulations of the polity.

     103. The success of the sub-group private organizations will spawn more of the same.

     104. In an effort to listen to the developments, internal information gathering organizations will penetrate the sub-group private organizations yet allow them to exist and operate.

     105. In due time, the sub-group private organizations will extend their operations to include sedition.

     106. Competition among the sub-group private organizations will develop, leading to formation of armed formations within each.

     107. Competition among the sub-group private organizations will turn into a low level armed conflict.

     108. Competition among the sub-group private organizations will lead each to seek the help and cooperation from the institutions and information gathering organizations of the dominant identity as a means of gaining an advantage over competitors.

     109. As the sub-group private organizations amass greater resources from their activities, they will seek to include the members of the governance strata in their operations by means of offering cooperative individuals from the governance strata pecuniary advantages.

     110. Due to the cooperation of the governance strata members in the activities of the sub-group private organizations, monopolies of scarce or widely demanded goods and services will develop.

     111. The new monopolies will operate, by definition, entirely outside the institutional and mandated channels of distribution.

     112. The new monopolies will cater to the members of the polity at large, ironically without discrimination, supplying legal or extra-legal goods and services no longer available or those that never were available through regular channels.

     113. Anti-corruption campaigns will be mounted by the governance strata to reassert its own authority.

     114. If the sub-group private organizations penetrated sufficiently high levels of the governing strata, all anti-corruption campaigns will fail.

     115. Only the smooth and free functioning economic identity will prevent or lessen the influence and operation of private organizations, be they armed or monopolistic.

     116. When the commercial identity of a polity is established and is operational, new internal and external coalitions will emerge in the form of cartels and price-fixing agreements. 117. The judicial and legislative identities will be faced with new challenges, and will have to deal with matters not necessarily as a matter of laws, but the interpretations in the form of loopholes. 118. The dynamics of the identity will be in the direction of further sub-divisions of the identity of the polity, until each sub-group is satisfied with its own identity and the conditions under which it lives.

     119. This will scarcely happen, as the dominant identities and the related polities will not willingly allow dissolutions.

     120. It must not be forgotten that identity transformations will take place through the developments advocated or effected by its natural members, or by external intervention.

     121. The external intervention on a given identity may take place while under occupation by another power, or through the manipulation of the international order.

     122. Apart from the substantive and structural transformations, perceptions of a given identity will also change by its owners as well as how it is perceived by others.

     123. Perceptions of reception of an identity change, because the perception of what is valid changes.

     124. What does not change is the fact that there is an identity or collection of identities and that they continue to interact.

     125. Another constant will be that identities are attacked from the outside, either deliberately or incidentally.

     126. The process of natural evolution and external attacks on an identity, not only causes identities to be transformed but also influences how identities are perceived internally and externally.

     127. During the transformation of identity process, a number of sub-groups will coalesce together to preserve what they perceive to be the common points of their identities; to collectively benefit from larger scale activities.

     128. The coalescing sub-groups may be civilian or armed in origin.

     129. The dynamics of sub-groups coalescing constitutes an example of a dynamic with long term cycles of massing and sub-dividing.

     130. So far, it has not been shown that the accumulated knowledge has been understood by a governing strata at large, with respect to the identity dynamics.

     131. Conversely, the governance strata believes that they can control the cycles of coalescence and divisions of identities by various means, including economics and technology.

     132. Natural identities also evolve and transform by the need and desire to access a larger share of wealth and living standards in existence.

     133. When the access of an identity to a larger share of the existing resources are limited, the method of access will change.

     134. Inside a mosaic identity, when the resources are limited, the access of sub-groups to those resources available will be restricted by the dominant identity.

     135. The dominant identity will first look after its own interests.

Return to: Identities: How Governed, Who Pays? Index.