L.  Military

    The Norman Conquest


Bradbury, Jim. "Battles in England and Normandy, 1066-1154." ANS 6 (1983): 1-12.

Brown, R. Allen. "The Status of the Norman Knight." War and Government in the Middle Ages, 18-32. Editors John Gillingham and J. C. Holt. Woodbridge: Boydell, 1989.

Chibnall, Marjorie. "Mercenaries and the Familia Regis under Henry I." History 62 (1977): 15-23.

Chibnall, Marjorie. "Military Service in Normandy before 1066." ANS 5 (1982): 65-77.

Le Patourel, John. "The Norman Conquest, 1066, 1106, 1154?" ANS 1 (1978): 103-120.

Lepla, Denis. "Les fossés royaux et la notion de marche militaire au sud de l'ancien duché de Normandie, XIe-XIIe s." Thèse de doctorat, Université de Rouen, 1991.

Morillo, Stephen. Anglo-Norman Royal Warfare, 1066-1135. Woodbridge: Boydell, 1994.

Pouessel, Jean. "Les structures militaires du comté de Mortain (XIe et XIIe siècles)." Revue de l'Avranchin 40 (1981): 11-74, 81-156.

Prestwich, J. O. "The Military Household of the Norman Kings." EHR 96 (1981): 1-37.

Tabuteau, Emily Zack. "Definitions of Feudal Military Obligations in Eleventh-Century Normandy." On the Laws and Customs of England: Essays in Honor of Samuel E. Thorne, 18-59. Editors Morris S. Arnold, Thomas A. Green, Sally A. Scully and Stephen D. White. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1981.
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The Norman Conquest

Barlow, Frank. "William I and the Norman Conquest." Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei 199 (1974): 3-16.

The Battle of Hastings, editor Stephen Morillo. Warfare in History 1. Woodbridge: Boydell, 1996.

Birette, Abbé Charles. "Les Normands de la Manche à la conquête de l'Angleterre." BSANe 42 (1934): 146-200.

Carter, John Marshall. "Une réévaluation des interprétations de la fuite simulée d'Hastings." Annales de Normandie 45 (1995): 27-34.

Jessee, W. Scott. "The Angevin Civil War and the Norman Conquest of 1066." HSJ 3 (1991): 101-110.

Matthew, D. J. A. The Norman Conquest. New York: Schocken Books, 1966.

Morillo, Stephen. "Hastings: An Unusual Battle." HSJ 2 (1990): 95-104.
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