D.  Laws

Unlike the English, the Normans were not in the habit of writing down their laws. The earliest Norman lawbook—in fact, the earliest in France—was written down around 1200, although it is generally accepted as reflecting earlier usage. The Norman Coutumiers have been published as a set: Le Très Ancien Coutumier de Normandie: Texte latin. Edited by Ernest-Joseph Tardif. SHNP 13.1.1. Rouen: Espérance Cagniard, 1881. Le Très Ancien Coutumier de Normandie: Textes français et normand. Edited by Ernest-Joseph Tardif. SHNP 13.1.2. Paris: Picard, 1903. Summa de legibus normannie in curia laicali. Edited by Ernest-Joseph Tardif. SHNP 13.2. Paris: Picard, 1896.

Two texts of feudal inquests survive, the first from 1133 and the second from 1166:  Feoda ecclesiae Baiocensis. In Recueil des Historiens des Gaules et de la France 23, 699-702. Paris: Victor Palmé, 1876.

"Infeudationes militum qui debent servitia militaria Duci Normanniae, et in quot militibus quilibet tenetur ei servire." In The Red Book of the Exchequer, edited by Hubert Hall, 624-47. Rolls Series 99. London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1896.

And two liturgical texts survive, dealing with the accession of a new ruler:  "Ad ducem constituendum." In The Benedictional of Archbishop Robert, edited by H. A. Wilson, 157-59. Henry Bradshaw Society 24. London: Harrison and Sons, 1903.

Wormald, Francis. "An Eleventh-Century Copy of the Norman Laudes Regiae." Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research 37 (1964): 73-76.