The Planctus for
William Longsword
Verse 12


Florence Libri 12

Adhuc latet senioris uos archa
num sibi ipse atque uobis profuturum hoc cis entens prestolando
expectamte quo iubente ste tinauit. Conti.

Clermont-Ferrand — 



Adhuc latet senioris vos archanum
Sibi ipsi atque vobis profuturum
Hoc cis intus exspectate prestolandum,
Quo jubente festinavit.
Cuncti flete...


Adhuc latet senioris vos archanum
Sibi ipsi atque vobis profuturum
Hoc scientes prestolando expectate
Quo jubente festinavit.
Cuncti flete...


«Adhuc latet senioris vos archanum
«sibi ipsi atque vobis profuturum».
Hoc cis intuens expectante prestolando
quo jubente, festinavit.
Cuncti flete...


"Adhuc latet senioris vos arcanum,
sibi ipsi atque vobis profuturum:
hoc cis intus expectate praestolandum."
Quo jubente festinavit.
Cuncti flete pro Willelmo innocente interfecto.



‘Noch kennt Ihr das Geheimnis unseres Herrn nicht, das ihm selbst und Euch nützen wird:  hier drüben drinnen soll es Euch mitgeteilt werden.’  So aufgefordert eilte er herbei.


»End en sag vor greve gerne med dig drøfter,
sikkert nok til gavn for både ham og Eder!«
Da han indså, at hans genkomst var forønsket,
så i hast han fulgte bønnen.
Græd nu alle...


“A secret of [our] master is concealed from you until now,
which will be beneficial to himself and to you.”
Considering it on this side [of the river], dreading the one he was going to meet,
ordering it, he hurried [back across the river].
All weep for innocent, slain William.



L’auteur emploie le style direct.  C’est Bauce [one of the legendary assassins in much later accounts] ou quelque autre qui interpelle Guillaume.  Notez l’amploi de la forme vos, vous.(Étude sur Guillaume, p. 69.)